SEO Trends for 2024?

2024 SEO Trends: Tips to Help Improve Your Website Ranking

What are the key trends of SEO in 2024?

When considering various marketing areas, it is worth paying attention to the fact that they systematically need improvement. The same applies to such areas as SEO optimization. Due to the fact that technological progress is constantly moving forward, this entails the emergence of a huge number of updates through the use of innovative technologies. The area responsible for search engine optimization is no exception. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with the main SEO optimization  trends that will be relevant in 2024. This is what will make it possible to create a working and effective strategy for promoting your own brand.

In SEO 2024, the following key trends can be identified:

artificial intelligence;
SEO of videos;
voice search;
adaptation of content with the possibility of further use on mobile devices;
featured snippets;
high-quality and long content;
loading speed and optimization;
user experience.
It is worth familiarizing yourself with each of the trends separately to understand the characteristics of each of them.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence belongs to the category of new methods of interacting with audiences through the use of updated online content. The peculiarity of the intelligent algorithm is that it shows the potential user only the information that interests him. If we consider the current moment, then now search engines are not disseminating their own achievements and technologies. But it is believed that this will improve the user experience in the search process in the future. The plan is to include factors ranging from the amount of time a user spent on a particular page to the number of clicks made. To do this, you need to do everything possible to ensure that the user is captivated by clear and useful content.

Video SEO

SEO of video belongs to the category of innovative trends that are actively developing this year. If we consider the YouTube platform, more than a billion people are registered on it. On well-known social networks such as TikTok and Instagram, you can also meet an audience of millions. This makes it possible to conclude that a significant part of Internet users prefer to watch videos rather than read text content. Therefore, if you want to implement effective promotion, you need to pay attention to platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and other similar services.

Voice SEO

Portable applications have been involving voice aides for a long while, however it is arranged that in 2024 the quantity of clients will increment quickly. As per starter information, it was found that the quantity of individuals who effectively changed to involving a voice collaborator in 2019 was 33%. By utilizing this device, it is feasible to give elevated degrees of solace and simplicity contrasted with the need to physically type text data. Here, each individual will concur that it is a lot simpler to indicate a catchphrase by voice than to print it out with your own hands. It is arranged that in 2024 this advanced device will be at the pinnacle of prominence.

Unique Content

The quality of content is critical in modern website promotion. Quality means not only literacy, informativeness and usefulness, but, first of all, uniqueness.

Unique content is texts and images that have not been published on other resources. At the same time, there are two types of uniqueness – technical and semantic. The difference between them becomes more and more noticeable every year.

A technical way to increase the uniqueness of content involves the use of synonyms, changing the structure of the text, paraphrasing in order to obtain 95-100% originality.

The semantic method requires more serious work with various sources, a deep immersion in the topic and writing a fundamentally new text, including structure, presentation of material, conclusions and solutions.

Technical uniqueness is the basic assessment of the material, but the emphasis is gradually shifting to information value and expertise.

Why unique content remains the main factor of a quality website

Websites are ranked by all search engines based on their degree of demand. A resource’s position goes up if visitors visit it more often, more often, and stay longer. Search algorithms are very complex, they take into account a lot of factors, but the uniqueness of the content always remains basic. Search engines reward unique content that is relevant to the search query. For the use of stolen texts and images by search engines, sanctions are imposed.

Unique content is extremely important from a copyright perspective. Posting someone else’s content without indicating the original source is a violation of copyright law.

If an author files a plagiarism complaint, the consequences for the site and its owner can be quite serious. If you provide citations to cover a topic in your article, be sure to credit the author or link to the original source, following the principles of fair use.

High-quality unique content is evidence of the authority of the source and proof of your respect for your clients. A potential client wants to find on a new website:

answers to your questions (queries);
new interesting information;
useful information and recommendations.
Having received what he was looking for, he is ready:

make a purchase;
return for goods or services later;
recommend the site to others, etc.

The visitor devotes his time to you. Does it make sense to appear in an unfavorable light to him, giving up the main weapon in the competitive struggle – unique, useful, relevant information? 

Where to get high-quality unique content? 

Write it yourself. An excellent source for original, unique content will be your knowledge of the subject matter of the web resource, product or service. The author’s thoughts, ideas and inspiration, turned into characters and lines, will need to be subtracted, edited, structured. For this purpose, it is advisable to invite a proofreader or editor.
Involve company employees. If your busy schedule does not allow you to fill the site with content yourself (writing articles takes a lot of time), you should delegate the task. Competent employees who have knowledge of the information will prepare unique content. Proofreading and checking the uniqueness of content using special services is also required in this case.
Order from third party authors. At your service are both specialized agencies and freelance copywriters on numerous exchanges, forums, and thematic communities. Professional copywriters, as a rule, set a price tag for 1000 characters. The services of competent specialists are worth the money.
Use translations from foreign sites (necessarily with a link to the original source).
Use UGC user-generated content (customer reviews, comments, extensive reviews), motivating activity through awards in competitions, for example. 

What are the risks of using non-unique content on the site?

Not only does non-unique content not bring any benefit to the target audience and harms the company’s image, but it also threatens the resource with complete withdrawal from the index. The negative scenario is developing progressively – first, the site’s position in the rankings decreases, and in the end, users will be “saved” from a useless resource.