YouTube Marketing


Videos attract attention. As digitization takes place at an ever faster pace, this medium is becoming more and more relevant to work with in marketing. Today there is a lot to gain from being seen and heard on YouTube. Not only that you are guaranteed to find your target group on the page. YouTube is also both the world’s second largest search engine and the second largest website overall, after Google. The ranking on Youtube can mean a lot for the company’s overall branding and therefore it is very important to be seen and heard on the platform. It’s about SEO, search engine optimization of your company and/or your product or service. It is also important to remember in this context that Google actually owns YouTube. Youtube clips are therefore always valued highly in the search results on Google.



Videos attract attention. As digitization takes place at an ever faster pace, this medium is becoming more and more relevant to work with in marketing. Today there is a lot to gain from being seen and heard on YouTube. Not only that you are guaranteed to find your target group on the page. YouTube is also both the world’s second largest search engine and the second largest website overall, after Google. The ranking on Youtube can mean a lot for the company’s overall branding and therefore it is very important to be seen and heard on the platform. It’s about SEO, search engine optimization of your company and/or your product or service. It is also important to remember in this context that Google actually owns YouTube. Youtube clips are therefore always valued highly in the search results on Google.

Before online video streaming entered the lives of the vast majority of people, television was the only way for companies and organizations to get their message out in moving images. Of course, TV advertising still exists today, but it is much more expensive than marketing via YouTube. This is despite the fact that the latter can both reach a wider audience, but can also be significantly more accurate towards specific target groups. Through traditional TV advertising, you pay for the company’s commercial to be shown in the box a certain number of times. On Youtube it looks different. Here you get the opportunity to pay based on the outcome of the advertisement. The cost is based on how many people have interacted with the video the company has posted.

Marketing on YouTube has proven to have many advantages, and one of the most important is measurability. The platform provides us as marketers with lots of numbers that answer how the specific ad has fared. How many views does the specific video have? How long do people watch it? And how high a position does it get? This is extremely important to get quick and concrete answers to what works well and what works less well. With the help of all such information, one can then plan and develop future campaigns on Youtube with greater precision.


We have worked with advertising via YouTube for companies in a number of different industries. Our experience shows that this is an extremely effective way to invest in the company’s marketing, regardless of the target group you are trying to reach. Almost all people visit Youtube regularly. All forecasts point in the same direction, namely that mobile marketing via YouTube and other video streaming channels will become even bigger in the near future. At Drwebseo, we work to strengthen our customers’ brand and profitability. We drive traffic to the company’s website using various tools in our digital toolbox. In this toolbox, marketing via YouTube is a central component when you want to spread the company’s message and brand to more people. In digital marketing, this is one of the absolute most cost-effective methods to use.

Drwebseo always works in close collaboration with the customer, and advertising via YouTube is no exception. Together with the company we work with, we go through the prerequisites and target image, and with the help of the analysis come up with a marketing strategy. Since we work with many different branches of digital marketing, we make sure that YouTube communication sends the same message and signals as other channels. It is important to be consistent and say the same thing on the website, in social media, on YouTube and in other contexts. At Drwebseo, we work with YouTube marketing as a team. A graphic designer makes sure to create a visually attractive and appropriate campaign that catches the eye of whoever watches the video. Content for the ads is created by our professional copywriters together with the customer, and the advertising itself is handled by Drweb SEO experts. We are convinced that the best way to succeed with marketing via Youtube is by combining the different skills that we have available.