SEO Canada

search engine optimization Canada

Drwebseo is one of the best SEO agency and SEO consultant in Canada, whose professional SEO work experince is 13 years. Uniquely in the market, we only specialize in search engine optimization in Canada, but we understand and know all areas of it: online and classroom training, individual company workshops, but we also deal with hourly and regular consulting, some with the implementation of complete SEO projects. During an SEO project, after analyzing the initial state, we determine an effective SEO strategy, and then we help our clients achieve their business goals with continuous content production, as well as online PR and link building. In addition to SEO agency work, blog aims to help train the next generation of online marketing and search engine optimization in Canada.

SEO Consultant in Canada

SEO companies of Canada helps you to increase visitors and customers to your website in Canada or any part of the world.

We have been optimizing the websites of domestic and foreign companies for years. During this time, we have gained a lot of experience in different industries.

Therefore, we have made our accumulated knowledge available on the market through search engine optimization consulting.

We write Hungary’s leading online marketing and SEO blog, drwebseo, where we present in detail the latest and most important solutions for search engine optimization. In this way, we also help to pass on the highest level of knowledge available on the market to our readers and to the companies and clients who turn to us.

SEO consulting in practice
If you need search engine optimization advice, you can contact us with questions related to the following areas:

Keyword research
Competitor analysis
Copywriting (both SEO and marketing text)
Link building
Link analysis
Identify Google penalties
Google algorithm changes
Writing PR articles
Keyword monitoring
Bounce traffic analysis
Identify technical SEO issues
Page loading speed issues
Audits, analyses
Unique SEO problems that other experts could not solve
These tasks and consulting projects can be ordered either on an hourly basis or on an individual project basis. Of course, these mean different pricing in practice.

Hourly consulting
If you want to use hourly SEO consulting, you can order it on this interface.

Fill in the billing information and indicate that you want to pay by card or bank transfer.

Complex consulting
If you need a more complex SEO consulting service, send us an email to the email address regarding the details. Here we can discuss exactly what kind of help is needed. Based on this, we can determine an exact price for the consultation.
By showing up high in the natural query items, you will actually want to drive intrigued clients to your site with regards to a financially savvy and long haul way.

Our experts are here to help you! For over fifteen years, our seniors have addressed the most troublesome bunches in Search engine optimization. Utilize the structure on the right and we will reach you in somewhere around 24 hours to figure out what precisely keeps your site from being seen.
A few we assist with Search engine optimization

We are persuaded that assuming you had 100 percent command over site design improvement, on the off chance that you knew how each and every organization functioned and assuming that you personally had an intimate knowledge of Search engine optimization. Then you would pick us. Today, we have a little more than 100 clients whom we assist with showing up in web crawlers. Here are a few models.
What does Drwebseo propose in Web optimization in Canada?

Web optimization is one of the most beneficial channels of promoting, both for huge and independent companies, working locally, broadly or universally. By being there at the specific second a potential client is searching for your or comparative items, website improvement gives you a genuine head start contrasted with different channels. Positioning first in a significant query output can give a consistent type of revenue. One more part of site improvement is that in the event that you are solid in one query output, you are serious areas of strength for sensibly most of other close by list items also.

We at Brath have a very impressive group in Search engine optimization (Best in the Business as per a study among Canadian Website design enhancement experts). This permits us to be at the very front of Website design enhancement in Canada. We fundamentally work in three stages while doing Web optimization:

On location Web optimization – Survey of website innovation, content and catchphrase investigation.
Authority building – Long haul work on building the site’s power
Follow up – Search engine optimization is iterative, we rehash every one of the means again and again to continue to climb the outcomes and to take more outcomes.

A significant number of the clients who come to us as of now disapprove of their Website optimization and afterward a marginally unique methodology is required. At times a past in-house work or work done by another Search engine optimization office in Canada can be an issue for the site’s exhibition. Here, an alternate info is expected toward the beginning of the site design improvement and we at Brath have insight in tackling truly troublesome bunches.
Peruse more about Website design enhancement

There is a ton in Web optimization you can do yourself, yet many little subtleties can have long haul outcomes. Putting the right title or heading on a page is something anybody can learn. Yet, what it means for the whole site and what occurs assuming you change every one of the headers is something different. If you have any desire to realize that your Web optimization is continuously heading down the correct path, you really want insight. Website optimization frequently works like this, on the off chance that you pull a string something occurs in somewhere else on the webpage – here you will track down our claim to fame. We work everyday to take the intricacy that is Search engine optimization and transform it into a procedure with activities that are straightforward and execute.

SEO Company in Canada

We have by far the best and most complete SEO on the market. It will be easier to understand why we say that, if you take a closer look at how the SEO market looks today. You will quickly notice that almost everyone talks about SEO as if it is only about Google Search, i.e. they are almost always talking about the website’s ranking on and its relationship to Google Search – and that is all. Like it’s still the 90s and like nothing happened to Google in the meantime! Because it has. A lot has happened, especially in the last 5-6 years.

What sets us apart from other SEO companies and agencies is that our view of SEO is holistic. When we do search engine optimization, we optimize for and focus on your website’s ranking on Google Search in Canada! We work with all of Google’s algorithms. What does this mean? This is super important to understand and the #1 rationale behind our claim that we have by far the best and most complete Canada SEO on the SEO market. A lot has happened with Google SEO in Canada since the 90s when the only thing you had to think about and really use was just the website and Google Search – that’s it. And of course – that was it. But not anymore.

It’s not the 1990s anymore – we live in a completely different Google world now! Today, Google is so much more than just Google Search and there is an abundance of new Google services that you can attract customers through, directly through Google SEO! Google search engine optimization is literally crawling with these new SEO services with which you can attract customers, without the customer even visiting the website. This is what the other SEO agencies do not think about and continue not to think about and why we started SEO, complete Google help for your business. There is a big hole in the market right now, fantastically effective opportunities to reach customers directly via Google are completely unused by too many companies. We have all the resources in place to perfectly help your company make full use of all these new Google services and channels in order to attract many more customers directly through the Google Search Engine. We work with and deliver all the new Google SEO services and will add all the new ones in the future, as they appear. This is something hugely positive for your business! More and better ways to reach customers is exactly what Google is trying to help all companies with in Canada.

When we work with the SEO of your website with a focus on Google Search, we do everything and a little more to optimize the search engine properly and completely. We do exceptionally accurate and detailed on-page & on-site SEO. This means, among other things, that we search engine optimize every single element your website consists of. We work with everything: content, structure, exposure and user experience. We create unique and relevant page titles and headers for all pages, well-written meta tags so your website grabs attention and gets clicks via Google Search (not just rankings), do complete optimization of existing headers and body texts and add new ones where needed, optimize images and all multimedia content on the website, video, audio, maps, 360° content, iframes, everything. We also arrange canonical tags to prevent duplicate content, as well as completely rewrite texts and other content where necessary, to completely avoid duplicate content. We also rewrite URLs where necessary, arrange 301 redirects to new URLs and arrange 404 pages where necessary. We arrange both xml and html sitemaps, configure robots.txt, and much more. We do everything that a good, focused and thorough SEO agency does, but then we switch on the turbo.

1. Conducting an SEO audit of the resource
— Analysis of the topics and structure of competitors
— Drawing up a basic semantic core
— Analysis of the topics and structure of competitors
— Analysis of the history of the development of the link profile
— Conducting a technical audit of the state of resource optimization

2. Drawing up technical specifications for website optimization
— We draw up detailed technical specifications for website optimization.
— Tasks for developers with a description of the problem and a complete list of errors that need to be eliminated, or to improve the resource to improve its ranking.

3. Compilation of the NL
— Collection of semantic core for the project
— Regular work to monitor positions and relevance of requests
— Monthly expansion of the SA for large volumes of landing pages
4. Content optimization of the site
— Content analysis and target optimization
— Drawing up technical specifications for copywriting
— Additional optimization of existing texts
— Control of content uniqueness
— Working with information sections

5. SEO monitoring of the project
— Monitoring the index and indexing of the site in search engines
— Analysis of information from panels for Google and Yandex webmasters, monitoring the status of the resource

6. Technical monitoring
— Control and monitoring of site stability
— Regular checks of the technical condition of the resource
7. External optimization
— Drawing up plans for the development of a link profile
— Selection of donor base
— Preparing content for posting on external resources
— Working with crowd marketing platforms
— Analysis of competitors’ activities and adjustment of plans
8. Reporting, analysis of results
— Monthly reports on KPI implementation Financial summary on the use of budgets
— Analysis of the results obtained and, if necessary, adjustment of the promotion strategy.


The fundamental objective is to expand the quantity of changes to the site for designated search questions.

Simultaneously, the site stays a quality asset according to web crawlers and is loved by clients.

You pay solely for client changes from web search tools, or at least, you get pertinent traffic for the broadest conceivable rundown of search questions.